Position Paper 2023

Transdisciplinary Research for Youth Justice – Position Paper 2023 29 The research will be designed to focus on various ‘touch points’ that a child might have with statutory and other children’s services in the lead up to and within youth justice systems. The figure below illustrates an example of this for within the UK system Figure 6 The various touch points 1 of potential intervention in the journey of child or young person into the youth justice system At the same time, the research design will explore the issues which make up and shape each of the cases. This is so that the case study approach does not obscure the core issues. In this way, the research design benefits from both whole picture and issue-specific exploration without losing sight of each. It would further enable the scrutiny of cases and issues that a transdisciplinary approach could allow, thereby further enabling deeper insights. A useful framework to enable this is that which is presented by the Dynamic Interactive Model of Resilience (DIMoR) (ahmed Shafi et al, 2020). The DIMoR situates an individual as a system within its wider contextual system without losing the focus on an individual. It still retains the multi-layer, complex and dynamic systems of which the individual is a part. The figure below illustrates this. 1 PRU Pupil Referral Unit AE Alternative Education Provision YOT Youth Offending Team YOI Young Offender Institution STC Secure Training Centre SCH Secure Children’s Home Early childhood services School Children;'s services PRU/AE Police & the law Social services YOT YOI/STC/SCH Probation